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Few things capture the imagination like hunting a giant remote valley in British Columbia. You'll never feel so connected and tiny at the same time.


"This powerhouse team will always do their best to overdeliver. If it can be done in the outdoors, chances are these two have done it...Spending time in the backcountry with these two characters will not soon be forgotten!"



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A Smile Before You Go


I genuinely love the actual hunting that puts my stories on paper and food in my belly. But the people I meet in the process are at least as interesting. I can't imagine any industry besides outfitting that requires as much of an ancient and unquantifiable type of intelligence. It's an intelligence that remain passive in most folks that live their lives in a civilization of handbooks and rules. It's an intelligence that there's really only one test question to prove: "Did you die?"

These people are a joy around the campfire. They all have that same knowing twinkle in their eye. What do they know? They know they're free. They know they can solve nearly any problem nature throws at them. They know this innate intelligence combined with courage has given them too many beautiful stories to share.

Mike Hawkridge is the poster child for this sort of intelligence. He, along with Shawn Murray, own and operate ALPHADOG OUTDOORS (ADO). ADO is our newest addition to Craig Boddington Endorsed Outfitters. If you're ready for a big adventure in big country with a big, fun personality then ADO is for you. Send Shawn and Mike a note and get on your way to British Columbia.

Good Hunting,