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Hunting engages the mind, the body and the soul. We learn in our preparation for the hunt. We also learn as we adapt it to the situation on the ground. There are hunts that push our body beyond what our mind thinks is possible. But even a predawn walk to the stand gets the blood pumping. Then there's the spirit. We see sunrises and sunsets most modern people miss. We observe the brilliance of creation in harmony. But we also see our place in creation.

I'm a passionate learner. When I first visited Mike and Natalie Birch and their family in the Kimberley area of South Africa, my thirst for knowledge was rewarded. Mike and Natalie own Hunt The Sun. Natalie holds a PhD in rangeland ecology. Mike is a biologist, game biologist and worked for government Nature Conservation.

Hunting with Mike is an educational experience. He's worked in management of protected areas which included veld management, game capture, eco tourism, trophy hunting and breeding a reintroducing black rhino. They practice fair chase and their management model is ecologically sustainable. It's a family operation so evenings around the table are pleasant. This also means it's a great place to take the family.

If you're considering a hunt in South Africa, Hunt the Sun a smart choice.

Good Hunting,

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