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My Best Hunt by Wayne Allen

1993 and I just relocated to Michigan from Missouri. Bought a small place in the country and started asking permission to hunt. This was one of the best. Large tracts of bean and corn fields with creek bottoms and hard woods to roam.

October 3rd and sitting in my climber with the last 30 minutes or so of light remaining when I saw this guy walking into the west wind 250 yards north of me through what were the only 3 rows of cut corn so far this harvest season on the east side of the two track.

I made a quick decision and lowered my bow and climbed down. I could see he was standing in the stubble eating corn left by the combine. I hurried and packed up and heading towards him along the two track. The wind was really blowing, and the noise of the standing corn masked any noise I was making.

Suddenly I saw him at about 50 yards walking from my right to left. He crossed the two track in front of me and stood about 25 yards away slightly quartering away from me. He never knew anything was wrong for him.

I drew my bow and sent a Zwickey tipped cedar shaft through his chest causing him to crash into the standing corn ahead of him. His run was a short one and I remember how satisfied I was with what I managed to pull off that evening.

One of the best hunts I have ever had.


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