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50 Great Stalks Hunting the World's Greatest Game Up Close - By Craig Boddington

$ 50.00 USD

Craig Boddington, shares the encounters he’s had stalking the most coveted big game species as he hunted them—on foot—in all kinds of locations and terrain around the world. Organized by species and habitat, the book covers deer, bear, sheep, moose, elk, ibex, chamois, cape buffalo, tahr, sambar, leopard, elephant, and lion. Boddington in his lifetime has traveled the world to hunt—more than thirty countries, remote, wild, and dangerous locations—and this is the collection of his most exciting and successful pursuits. For hunters who’ve dreamed of adventure, Boddington captures the essence and thrill of hunting the world’s most exotic species up close. PRE-ORDERS ONLY - ALL BOOKS WILL BE SHIPPED AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 2024

Email conrad@craigboddington.com to order

Email conrad@craigboddington.com to order

50 Great Stalks Hunting the World's Greatest Game Up Close - By Craig Boddington
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50 Great Stalks Hunting the World's Greatest Game Up Close - By Craig Boddington

Craig Boddington, shares the encounters he’s had stalking the most coveted big game species as he hunted them—on foot—in all kinds of locations and terrain around the world. Organized by species and habitat, the book covers deer, bear, sheep, moose, elk, ibex, chamois, cape buffalo, tahr, sambar, leopard, elephant, and lion. Boddington in his lifetime has traveled the world to hunt—more than thirty countries, remote, wild, and dangerous locations—and this is the collection of his most exciting and successful pursuits. For hunters who’ve dreamed of adventure, Boddington captures the essence and thrill of hunting the world’s most exotic species up close. PRE-ORDERS ONLY - ALL BOOKS WILL BE SHIPPED AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 2024

$ 50.00 USD

Craig Boddington, shares the encounters he’s had stalking the most coveted big game species as he hunted them—on foot—in all kinds of locations and terrain around the world. Organized by species and habitat, the book covers deer, bear, sheep, moose, elk, ibex, chamois, cape buffalo, tahr, sambar, leopard, elephant, and lion. Boddington in his lifetime has traveled the world to hunt—more than thirty countries, remote, wild, and dangerous locations—and this is the collection of his most exciting and successful pursuits. For hunters who’ve dreamed of adventure, Boddington captures the essence and thrill of hunting the world’s most exotic species up close. PRE-ORDERS ONLY - ALL BOOKS WILL BE SHIPPED AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 2024


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